Creating a Neuron Solution Configuration
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- Creating a Neuron Solution Configuration
Neuron solutions are defined by the contents of the Neuron ESB configuration folder. These files are created and managed using the Neuron ESB Explorer.
Follow the procedures in the this topic to create a new Neuron ESB configuration.
Create a New Neuron ESB Configuration
To create a new configuration
- Start the Neuron Explorer, from the Start->Programs->Neudesic->Neuron ESB v3 menu.
- Click on File->New.
- The status bar indicates that a New Solution is being edited.
To create a new topic
- Click Topics in the Messaging pane to display the Topics detail page in the main pane.
- Click New in the Topics detail list to create a new topic.
- Click Apply in the properties pane to accept the properties configuration. This creates a new topic with all of the default properties.
- The newly created topic is shown in the topic list.
To create a new Publisher and Subscriber
- Click Publishers in the Messaging pane to display the Publishers detail page in the main pane.
- Click New in the Publishers detail list to create a new publisher:
- Click Edit Subscriptions in the properties pane. The Subscriptions dialog is shown.
- Select Topic1 in the left pane and click the arrow button pointing to the right to create a send subscription to this topic. Click OK.
- Click Apply in the properties pane to accept the properties configuration. This creates a new publisher with all of the default properties.
- The newly created publisher is shown in the party list.
- Click Subscribers in the Messaging pane to display the Subscribers detail page in the main pane.
- Click New in the Subscribers detail list to create a new subscriber:
- Click Edit Subscriptions in the properties pane. The Subscriptions dialog is shown.
- Select Topic1 in the left pane and click the arrow button pointing to the right to create a receive subscription to this topic. Click OK.
- Click Apply in the properties pane to accept the properties configuration. This creates a new publisher with all of the default properties.
- The newly created party is shown in the party list.
- Select Save from the File menu. A dialog displaying a review of the configuration changes made since the last save is displayed. Click Save to continue.
- In the Save ESB Configuration, create a new folder named MyNewConfiguration and then select it. Click the Select button.
- Click OK on the Configuration Saved dialog.
- The status bar displays the fully qualified path to your newly created file.
You have successfully created a new ESB configuration. You can run this configuration by following the procedures in Neuron Service Configuration and selecting MyNewConfiguration (your newly created configuration), where appropriate.
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